

You have landed on Walls of Green, a company dedicated to redefining the atmosphere of the urban world.  We seek to create hip designs for both people and the planet.  Our company is a design-build collaborative that serves architects, designers, developers, hoteliers, health care providers, restaurants, boutiques, and retailers.


Those of us at Walls of Green believe that it is our social responsibility to make the urban environment more hospitable by helping people reconnect with the beauty and purity of nature.  In order to accomplish this goal, our unique company vision is to increase biodiversity and introduce plant species into the urban environment to clean the air and soften the harsh cityscape.


We plant plants.  But our plants don’t grow in the ground.  They grow out the sides of buildings, spill from rooftops, and even flourish indoors.  Some call them “green walls.”  Others describe them as “living walls” or “vertical gardens.”  Whatever you may call them, our designs bring freshness and vitality to the harsh surfaces and dull colors of the city.  We use vegetation to fill blank vertical spaces that would otherwise be useless.  Almost anything can grow on a wall, from tropical flora to flowering plants to creeping mosses.  Even fruits and vegetables thrive on our walls!


Now you may be thinking, “Why should I want a green wall?”  The answer is simple.  First, green walls are so new—not to mention eye-popping with their array of colors and textures—that they will make you the talk of the town.  What’s more, they are entirely eco-friendly, conserving and recycling water and making the air both cooler and cleaner.  Hybrid cars and solar panels may have their place, but they can’t beat the lushness or the environmental benefits of plants.  Choosing a green wall is not just a cool thing to do—it is the right thing to do because it helps the planet.

So have a look around our site, check out our Walls of Green, and get growing!


The Walls of Green Team provides everything you need to make a green wall.  We help our clients in all aspects of the design and installation, starting with planting design.  We then pre-grow the walls and roofs at our nursery and deliver them to your site for installation, so that every wall looks lush and full from the very beginning.  Plus, our team maintains the installations to keep them looking their best.  Our goal is to provide great customer service from beginning to end.

  • Graham Stanley & Associates, Landscape Architects /Designers
  • Salco Growers & Installers, Exterior Installations
  • Superior Plantscapes, Interior Installations
  • Eberhard, Roofing & Waterproofing
  • Irrigation Assurance, Drip Irrigation Systems